Plan's Duration & Hash Rate Amount
Hash Rate fee
Electricity fee
Mode of Plan
Network hash rate:
Total hash rate fee $7,332.00
Total electricity fee $0.00
Total fee $0.00
Breakeven & Revenue
Static Breakeven Day
Static Net Revenue
Static Revenue Rate
1. Static Breakeven days = hash rate fee / {hash rate amount * (static output/hash rate unit/day - electricity fee/hash rate unit/day) };
2. Static net revenue = (Plan's duration - static breakeven days) * hash rate amount * (static output/hash rate unit/day - electricity fee/hash rate unit/day) * share ratio;
3. Static revenue rate = static net revenue / hash rate fee;
4. hash rate unit varies with different cryptocurrencies, such as TH/s, GH/s, Ksol/s, etc. ;
5. The share ratio refers to the part that the customer receives. The share ratio of the classic mode is 100%, and the share of the accelerator mode is generally less than 100%. For the specific ratio value, please refer to detail page of Plan;
6. In the calculation formula of the Static revenue rate, we take the cost of hash rate fee as the total cost.
2. Static net revenue = (Plan's duration - static breakeven days) * hash rate amount * (static output/hash rate unit/day - electricity fee/hash rate unit/day) * share ratio;
3. Static revenue rate = static net revenue / hash rate fee;
4. hash rate unit varies with different cryptocurrencies, such as TH/s, GH/s, Ksol/s, etc. ;
5. The share ratio refers to the part that the customer receives. The share ratio of the classic mode is 100%, and the share of the accelerator mode is generally less than 100%. For the specific ratio value, please refer to detail page of Plan;
6. In the calculation formula of the Static revenue rate, we take the cost of hash rate fee as the total cost.
For details, please see: Calculator Rule Description